Yesterday we launched BATS Issue Five: The Icon Issue at The Fort

It was a great day/evening and, as always, it was a fantastic turn out. It was loads of fun, and once again we were overwhelmed by the friendly and fantastic (and good looking) people we were constantly surrounded by. The music from all four bands, and two djs was awesome and we could rave on about it forever, but we really want to get some thank yous out of the way:
Thank you to the unidentified woman who took it upon herself to play the grand piano on one of the landings (she was actually pretty amazing, and weirdly enough she was in my dream last night - shredding on a guitar, so whether or not this is true to life? I'll never know)
Thank you to the person who wrote "I've been constipated for 5 days" in our guestbook. We wish you luck on your shitting-escapades.
Thank you to all the bands that played - you were all amazing.
specially to The Arc who pushed on for nearly 3 hours - thank you so much.
Thanks to Charlie for playing to a completely sober, underaged and motionless crowd.
Thank you to Stemford Hiss/Swamplords for lending their gear
and to Stature::Statue who, due to unseen circumstances beyond their control, played after hours and we were forced to announce "hey guys, there is still one band to go, don't go yet" (Thanks Max)
Thank you to The Fort/Kel for letting us use their amazing space.
Thanks to Will, the sound and go-to-guy, for making our day run smoothly and solving any general fuck ups.
Thanks to our exhibiting artists and the existing BARI artists for making the place look visually amazing - and thanks to the BARI festival in general for allowing us to be a part of their program.
Thank you to Ellie for making the freaking amazing mars bars slice!!!
Thanks to all our friends who helped us set up/clean up/ate our food.
Thank you to anyone who bought our merchandise or showed us words of support.
But most of all Thank You to everyone who came - even when sleeping in on Sunday would have been a much preferred option.
Here are some photos:
however, stay tuned to this blog as much much more will be coming very shortly

also stay tuned for the release of the online version of issue five