On Friday night, Last Dinosaurs launched their debut EP 'Back From The Dead' at the picturesque Old Museum, the perfect setting for an unreal sold out show.
Comic Sans, the supporting act of the night, took to the stage early. I checked the time on my mobile, and as I looked up again, the majority of the band members were suddenly shirtless. But I'm not surprised really, seeing as this is the norm for all of Comic Sans' sets as of late. Good to see all four members were "somewhat sober" enough to play this time, with Michael Campbell (The Cairos) on percussion/cowbell as well, it was fucking cool. 'Thom Moore' and an old favourite 'The Horsemen' were clear standouts and Tom's menacing vocals echoed throughout the large hall of the museum, probably creeping the shit out of the local boys scouts annual "jamboree" who were convening next door.
Everyone then took a bit of time to recover, but anticipation for the Last Dinosaurs was growing immensely as they were setting up. As soon as the lights went out, people were running (and a few keen individuals sprinted) from all different directions to get to the stage and form a crowd. They kicked off playing 'You Are Being Lied To' and had the crowd truly mesmerised and hanging onto each beat and word. They kept on for a couple of songs, playing an old demo of theirs 'Hawaii', I then unfortunately made the mistake of going to the toilet (I have a weak bladder) to then come back and see that "snow" confetti had fallen from the balcony above, most likely during their song 'Alps'.
Highlights and crowd favourites were their stand out track 'Honolulu' (and not to mention Lachlan's amazing "funky squaredance" solo at the end), their Seinfeld intro to one of the songs and their cover of The Cure's classic 'Just Like Heaven'. Their set was flawless (albeit Caskey's banter between songs) and they finished their show with their song 'Saturn'. The added visual of a laser show (that put any disco ball to shame) being projected on the ceiling and the already fallen "snow" confetti was truly, well, beautiful and an excellent way to end the evening. Last Dinosaurs had played another amazing set, proving they are the next big thing to come out of Brisbane.
photos by Jordan Overbye: