KITTEN PARTY, sounds like a feline orgy (and maybe it is in some cultures), but it is actually the name of one Brisbane local who makes beautiful music and is described as a "one-man Animal Collective". Kitten Party will be haunting the Browning St Studios on Friday March 19 and he will be joined by special guests Aquanamis Freedumb (cassette launch), The Huge Nudes (Blank Realm relations), The Happy Choir (Kitchen's Floor relations) + Potato Masta spinning tunes all night long. Best of all, it is ALL AGES and BYO!!
Tickets are only 5 bones, but thanks to our friends at Bedroom Suck Records, we have two double passes to giveaway - that will be hand drawn by Joe from Yardhand who does the best little illustrations and drawings, whoever wins these should treasure these tickets!